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Software/Firmware Design service

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  • These days most electronics utilize a micro-controller which must have software/firmware to function.
  • Design software/firmware using the latest tools
  • Firmware to run on any micro-controller but Microchip PICs and Atmel/Arduino are most popular/versatile
  • Software/firmware is written using the latest IDE and C programming language
  • Integrate your design with custom PC app
  • Communications between a PC and micro-controller opens the possibility for professional integrated products
  • Software and Graphical User Interfaces for Microsoft operating systems
  • Use of highly versitile Atmel or PIC microcontollers and other brands
  • Include USB, BLE, UART, GSM, GPS communications, and many other protocols
  • Assemby language programming if needed
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  • Produce an integrated solution incorporating custom hardware and a PC application
  • Produce a solution which communicated with a mobile phone allowing remote monitoring/control from anywhere in the world
  • Software written in assembler if speed/code space a priority
Questions? Contact us now

Not sure how to proceed with your project?
Call now for free advice/consultation or
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Founded in 2014 and incorporated as a limited company in 2017, 3K Electronic Designs Ltd is your local partner in the electronics design process. With a wealth of 25+ years multinational experience in electronics. Call today to get your design moving fast!
Microchip Authorized Design Partner

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Tel: (+44) 01572 759884

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Located in Oakham, Rutland, East Midlands, UK

©3K Electronic Designs Ltd 2021